Les Affaires: a source of information and inspiration for success

Publié le 16/02/2011 à 09:56, mis à jour le 17/02/2011 à 13:35

Les Affaires: a source of information and inspiration for success

Publié le 16/02/2011 à 09:56, mis à jour le 17/02/2011 à 13:35

Many changes are taking place at Les Affaires starting with our February 19 issue.

We have created a new look, a new format, and new content.


available on February 17th

At first glance, you will undoubtedly notice the superior quality of the paper. We have also added a lesaffaires.monde (world business) section, and our Investir (Investing) section is now a removable booklet. You will notice other innovations throughout the publication.

This project is in keeping with the continuous improvement process that has always enabled us to anticipate emerging needs and respond quickly.

In doing so, we are reaffirming our unique identity: Les Affaires is the only publication in Québec that specializes in business, management, and investment. Unlike daily newspapers which target a broad, generalized public, Les Affaires selects all of its content and special projects based on its target public: organizational decision-makers and aspiring decision-makers.

In addition, the latest results of the only independent readership study pertaining to periodicals conducted in this country confirms our leadership position in Québec.* Not only is Les Affaires the reference in Québec, we also clearly stand out among Canadian publications that specialize in business information.

Les Affaires continues to receive the highest score among Canadian publications for the quality and relevance of its content. Another record: Our business readers spend an average of one hour reading every issue. Our readership is the most loyal in the country.

We are inspired by these exceptional results, especially in this era of upheaval in the media market. Now, more than ever, there is room for specialized services designed to respond to specific reader segments and needs.

This is what Les Affaires offers: An intelligent selection of content that empowers readers to make better decisions. The weekly publication is ideal for analysis and prospecting, and LesAffaires.com allows us to keep abreast of evolving business and investment news. The two services are perfectly complementary without being redundant.

Today, we are pleased to reconfirm the commitment that our brand name made 83 years ago: To provide the information and inspiration for success.

Stéphane Lavallée

Vice-President, Business Group and Editor, Les Affaires Group

Transcontinental Media

* PMB Fall 2010


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