Les Affaires: A question of expertise

Publié le 16/02/2011 à 08:53, mis à jour le 18/02/2011 à 11:13

Les Affaires: A question of expertise

Publié le 16/02/2011 à 08:53, mis à jour le 18/02/2011 à 11:13

During the course of our daily activities, when it comes to keeping our readers informed, we take great care to consult sources that are experts in their fields. We are driven by the same approach when it comes to comparisons with other media. We believe that this is the only way to provide accurate information for our readers and our partners-advertisers.

Readership statistics pertaining to print publications are taken from two major sources that specialize in their respective fields, employing approaches that are adapted to the media that they measure.  

- Nadbank is an organization that measures readership of daily newspapers through specially designed questionnaires. At the request of certain clients, it accepts mandates involving questions concerning other types of media, but it does not specialize in this area.  

- PMB (Print Measurement Bureau) is an independent organization that measures the readership of periodicals, including specialized magazines and publications. PMB is the only credible source in terms of measuring and analyzing the readership of specialized media like Les Affaires.

Therefore, when a competitor obtains Nadbank data pertaining to specialized magazines and publications, it may consider this data. However, if the data is shared in the market, one should know that it is not an accurate measurement of Les Affaires.

Here are the facts:

Corporate executives and professionals

PMB studies show that a single appearance in Les Affaires reaches 100,000 corporate executives and professionals. According to Nadbank, an insert in La Presse reaches 84,900 corporate executives and professionals. (We do not know the percentage of these readers who peruse the Financial News section.)

Therefore, Les Affaires reaches 19% more corporate executives and professionals than La Presse.


According to PMB, a single appearance in Les Affaires reaches 108,000 decision-makers. La Presse claims to reach 100,000.

Therefore, Les Affaires reaches 8% more decision-makers than La Presse.

Throughout Québec

La Presse claims that it distributes 22% more copies per week outside of Greater Montréal than Les Affaires. The following numbers were taken from the 2010 ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) report: La Presse distributes 31,100 copies outside of Montréal, whereas Les Affaires distributes 36 547 copies to other regions throughout Québec.

Therefore, Les Affaires distributes 18% more copies outside of Montréal than La Presse.


The ideal state of mind

Beyond the numbers, the state of mind of the reader is also a factor. We read daily newspapers in order to gain an overview of the headlines, which are also accessible via the Internet.

Our business readers claim that they dedicate 57 minutes to each issue of Les Affaires. On average, they return more than twice per week. They also confirm that they read in "business mode", which means that they are looking for opportunities for themselves and their organization, and they find just as many opportunities in the editorial content as in the advertisements.

They read Les Affaires for the purpose of enhancing their success.

This represents the ideal state of mind.


* PMB Fall 2010

You may also want to read: Les Affaires: A source of information and inspiration for success


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